Welcome to this blog!

The purpose of this blog is sharing with ESL teachers ideas for getting the most of ICT in our job.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Bubbl.us - Mind-mapping Tool

Hello again,

Probably you have already used CMaps Tools for creating and sharing mind maps, but have you heard of Bubbl.us? I think it is easier to use, and you don't have to download any software in your PC. 

How would you use mind maps in your English lessons? I think that they may be useful for presenting/reviewing  vocabulary, as you can create different groups which can be easier to remember.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Multimedia posters with Glogster

Do you know Glogster?

You can create online multimedia posters easily. You only have to register (don't worry - basic use is free) and start creating your own materials. It is so simple to use this platform that you will really love it. You only need imagination, and you will create wonderful posters. Just check in their Glogpedia the best glogs.

This is my first Glog. What do think about it?

Voki's avatars

You can see Ana's blog here

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Some ideas for Wordle clouds

Wordle clouds are different, and that's why they capture our students' attention. It is not just a text, but different words (in colour and size) arranged in several forms. This clouds achieve that students look at them for more than five seconds, so we should take clouds into account for our lessons. But, how can we use them?

We can use it as a pre-reading activity. We can show our student a cloud made with part of a tale they are going to read, and after looking at it, they must guess what tale it is. Here you have a very easy example:

We can also use a cloud for reviewing adjectives, playing something like a Guess who? game. We should choose a famous character (real or imaginary), and create a cloud with his description, so that students can guess the character.. For using ITC in the class, we could teach students how to create their own clouds, and then they could play the game in pairs.

It can also be used to review grammar topics like past form of irregular verbs. We can make a cloud with verbs in the infinitive and simple past form, make a pdf worksheet, and ask students to circle past forms.

Do you want to share your ideas about Wordle clouds?

Do you know VoiceThread?

VoiceThread is a multimedia slide show that holds images, documents and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Users can doodle while commenting, and pick which comments are shown through moderation.
It supports PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats, images, and video, and you can even import photos from Flickr, Facebook or the web.
Just check how Teacher Flory's has used it in her blog.
See you!