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The purpose of this blog is sharing with ESL teachers ideas for getting the most of ICT in our job.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Voki's avatars

You can see Ana's blog here

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello again, I also reccomend you voki because is very funny and easy to use. You can practice speaking, listening, intonation and pronounciation. bye

  2. Hello. I like Voki, I think it's very motivating for children.

  3. Hello, I think that the Voki y very interesting for children and the teacher. Is a good experience for introducing the children in the TICs also.

  4. Hi, I like you Voki, I invite you to make a comment in my blog about my Oddcast


    Do you like it?

  5. Hello.
    I really had fun testing this application!
    It is interesting to use activities such as this: in addition to fun, they are very useful to practice different skills.
    Thank you very much.

    This is my blog:
